CAFCASS is an executive non-departmental public body, sponsored by the Ministry of Justice. It is meant to be independent of the courts, social services, education and health authorities and all similar agencies.
"External independent assurance is provided by Ofsted, the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman who may investigate complaints about CAFCASS, and Local Safeguarding Children Boards. Feedback is also received from our key stakeholders such as judges, courts, key interest groups and local Family Justice Boards, as well as from service users and children," CAFCASS spokesman told Sputnik.
However, Kate [not her real name] — a mother embroiled in a family court case – when speaking to Sputnik, cast doubt on the organization's impartiality.
"CAFCASS and social workers are meant to be independent but they aren't, they all work together. There are a lot people earning money on this business because it is a business, really, judges, foster carergivers, lawyers. But they don't care obviously because it is the taxpayer footing the bill."